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DASH cheese and vegetable frittata |
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DASH recipe Cheese and Vegetables Frittata |
Frittata de queso y vegetales bajo el regimen DASH
Frittata is just the italian take on an omelette. Yeah egg! Even though you are on a life-changing/eating-changing energy on your new DASH diet that doesn't mean that you should never eat eggs anymore. If you explore different frittata recipes you notice that most of them are made with way to many eggs and that is not good.
The most delicious thing of preparing frittata is being able to use it as a yummy vehicle for adding so many different ingredients as your imagination likes. Be spontaneous and explore. This recipe is with cheese, corn and peas but you could make it a meal by itself ...just add a cooked and chopped potato, cheese and vegetables and of course avoid the portion of rice that comes in the picture... and voila ... deliciousness in a plate!
Moderation, moderation, moderation and I like to say portion, portion, portion is the key for success in everything even if you already have a healthy lifestyle and for these recipe.. stick to 1 egg per person.
So back to business... which is the best egg? Eggs are very nutritious and delicious. You just have to recognize which type of eggs is the best for you. Be critical! Interesting enough... Not all eggs are created equal. Yes, they all come from hen but, and here comes the BUT not all hen all the same. A happy hen is a happy egg. So chose and support sustainable ways of growing and feeding hens. Chose vegetarian fed hens and organic. Remember that the egg yolk contains plenty of vitamins like A,D and E. Always plan your meals ahead so you are able to enjoy a whole egg once a week. But I just stick to eating 1 whole egg a week and if you enjoy egg a lot you could eat instead 2 egg whites because 2 egg white is equal to 1 protein exchange.
2 whole organic eggs
1/2 cup of a mix of frozen yellow corn and peas, already thawed
1/4 cup of chopped onion
2 garlic cloves finely chopped ( use as much as you like)
1/4 cup of chopped green onion
1/2 teaspoon of onion powder
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder (optional)
1 teaspoon of nonfat milk
Dash of pepper and a dash of No Salt ( if allowed by your doctor if not omit)
1/4 teaspoon of ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon of ground cumin
1/4 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese ( from part skim milk)
1 oz of gouda cheese ( if you don't like it or don't have it around just double the portion of the mozzarella)
PAM spray
Preferable a cast-iron skillet if not don't panic because you can also do it over a non-stick skillet (read preparation for details)
Heat a skillet over medium heat and spray 2 seconds of PAM. Add the onion, the peas and corn and cook until onions are translucent (usually 5-7min). While that is cooking.... in a bowl, whisk the eggs with the teaspoon of milk, No salt and pepper until the eggs are even in color. Set aside.
Then add the garlic, the onion powder, garlic powder, the coriander and the cumin to the skillet; mix and cook for another 2 minutes. Next, level the vegetable mixture in the skillet and add slowly and evenly the whisked eggs until every vegetable is covered. You could move around the skillet so everything gets covered. Let it cook for 2-3 min.
Put the oven over broil.
Here comes the tricky part, if you have a cast iron skillet you could do the entire recipe in that but if you are like me and only have non-stick skillets... don't panic... Just heat the oven over broil and let the oven's door open and just slightly put the skillet under the broiler while you are controlling the handle ( wear an oven mitten all the time) for 1 -2 min ( Do not put the entire thing in the oven because the plastic handle will melt).
If you have a cast-iron skillet just stick it to the oven until cheese is melted and golden brown (2-3min)
That time will be enough for the cheese to melt and the edges to turn slightly golden brown.
Garnish with the green onion.
Enjoy it with white rice and diced tomatoes. :)
Frittata es una deliciosa manera de comer huevo. Esta receta es sencilla de hacer y nutritiva ya que es muy similar al omelette.
Estar bajo el regimen DASH no significa que nunca mas vas a poder comer huevo. La clave para disfrutar del huevo es la moderación y reconoger cuales son las porciones adecuadas para cada platillo a preparar. Te recomiendo que consumas un huevo entero a la semana y si deseas aun mas.... nada mas utiliza las claras ( 2 claras de huevo equivalen a 1 proteina en DASH). El huevo, especialmente la yema, es un ingrediente rico en nutrientes y vitaminas como la Vit A, D y E.
Escoge siempre consumir productos orgánicos y libres de antibióticos.
2 huevos organicos
1/2 taza de maiz y petit pois congelados, dejar descongelar y utilizar a temperatura ambiente
1/4 taza de cebolla cortada en pedacitos
2 dientes de ajo cortados finamente ( puede no utilizar o puede usar cuantos dientes de ajo quiera)
1/4 taza de cebollin cortado finamente
1/2 cucharadita de cebolla en polvo
1/2 cucharadita de ajo en polvo (optional)
1 cucharadita de leche sin grasa
Una pizca de pimienta y del producto No Salt ( sustituto de sal, solo si su medico se lo recomienda)
1/4 cucharadita de culantro en polvo
1/4 cucharadita de comino en polvo
1/4 de taza de queso mozzarella en polvo ( ojala de leche 2% o menos)
1 oz de queso gouda ( si no tiene o no le gusta, solo duplique la dosis de queso mozzarella)
PAM spray
Utilizar preferiblemente un sarten de hierro si no tiene puede aun utilizar un sarten de teflon... seguir leyendo las instrucciones para mas informacion
Caliente un sarten sobre fuego medio y agregue dos segundos de PAM spray. Luego agregue la cebolla y los vegetales y cocine haste que la cebolla quede translucida (usualemente 5-7min). Mientras tanto en un recipiente bata el huevo, la cucharadita de leche descremada, el No Sal y la pimienta hasta que este todo bien incorporado. Deje de lado.
Luego a la cebolla cocida y los vegetales, agregele el ajo y las especies. Mezcle bien y deje cocinar por otros 2 min ( cuide que no se le queme el ajo). Cuando eso esta listo, agregele a esa preparacion lentamente el huevo batido de manera pareja hasta que todos los vegetales esten cubiertos de huevo. Puede levantar el sarten y moverlo hacia los lados con cuidado hasta que todo este cubierto. Deje cocinar por 2-3 min (siempre sobre fuego moderado).
Caliente el horno en broil.
Si utilizo un sarten de hierro coloque todo en el horno por2-3min o hasta que el queso este derretido y los bordes esten doratitos.
Si utilizo un sarten de teflon.... abre la puerta del horno y utilizando un guante para horno coloque el sarten debajo de la rejilla del horno por 1-2 min. Nunca coloque un sarten de teflon directo en el horno porque las agaraderras tienen a ser de plastico y este se derrite.
Puede acompanar con arroz blanco y ensalada de tomate. Provecho!
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